Wednesday, February 17, 2021

 Test Marketing :) :p

Monday, March 31, 2008


A couple of hours ago, I was in the faculty to get the result of the First-Term Exams.
Actually I am totally satisfied with it, Although it's the worst marks I have ever have!
OK, let's say it, I admit that I deserved it!
Guys I am not very happy to say that my grade is "GOOD!", and here you are the details from the best to the worst:

- Computer Crimes "Computer Branch" = Excellent
- Programming "Computer Branch" = V.Good
- Digital Design "Computer Branch"= V.Good
- Sensors "Control Branch" = Good
- Maths (5) "Was my favorite!" = Pass!
- Control Systems Analysis and Design "Control Branch" = Pass!

I think that it's clear that I hate the Control Branch.
Actually I do, in the opposite I like the other branch much, and that's why I joined this department, and that's what I am going to work in (ISA).

Thank God that it's "Good", you know how was that term, I faced big troubles, passed a very disappointing days, little away from my mission...

At last, If anyone should be blamed for this, he will be ME!
I don't like to take this bad period as a reason for this FAIL, and yes I mean Fail!
In fact this should NOT has affected on my study, cause if it happen again, the result will be worst!
Now my study, and after a couple of years will be my WORK!, and my work, specially, must be away enough form my personal and social life.

Anyway Thank God again for everything.
But I SWEAR the God that this is not going to happen again! (ISA)
I promise I 'll do my best to keep this.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Finished My First Experiment in Instructing

Today I finished my first experiment in instructing, the first experiment to stand up in front of more than twenty students to present a technical issue for about 2h 30min.

For sure it was an extremely wonderful experiment!
It affected me more, as I wrote before:
"Always I used to hate the routine in my life! :S
I like to have many thing to do.
Love to be that busy person.
Busy in studying, working, going out, even busy in love!
So I am seeking continuously for all we call NEW!"

This week I finally reached what I was seeking for. Everyday I used to be busy in preparing for the next day's session.
As I am in the Mid-Year vacation, this also affected more in consuming my time.

Back to the experiment, I remembered now how I feel after finishing every session.
By finishing the session I used to prepare myself for a flood of questions to answer!
And once I answer one, the next comes directly!
Sometimes the following situation happens:
"Me in the middle packing up my laptop, around me about five or six students, and I am receiving the questions one after another to answer without having this free space of time to breath!"

Of course by the end of presenting the session and answering students questions I go home very very tired ,knowing that my friends always tell me that I am very speed in my speech and that make you get more tired, but you know .. I LOVED THIS FEELING MUCH!

One of the benefits of this course is that I built a very nice relations with the students.
some were with me in the same grade and most of them were in first grade .. BTW there was a girl in the prep-engineering year and a little boy in the prep-school and I was very happy that they were in my course .. :)

May Allah help me to repeat this wonderful experiment in the next summer vacation .. But I 'd like to be RHCE or even RHCT first ISA.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

My First Session!

Guys know what?
Today was the first time I stand up in front of audience to present a session!
Of course it's not the first time to talk in front of audience, but this is the first time to talk about technical issue.
Today I played the instructor role!
Just I'd like to tell that this feeling was extremely marvelous!
Actually the time I took to prepare for this session wasn't more than 30 minutes, Although the session itself was more than two hours.

Fortunately some of the audience were of my friends .. :)
It's very nice to know how did the audience think about you, all presenters are interested in that.

Of course my friends didn't tell me that my rank was 100% and I know that before the session.
But the thing that made my very happy is that they told me that I was very good and expected that I'm going to be excellent soon ISA .. :)

Thank God!

Actually I am writing this topic from the lab I instructed in!
I am supposed to be listening to my friend Abdalla Mahmoud presenting another session about Java SE for business.

My session was the first but not the last ISA.
This week I'll be in the same situation five times more as this session was just an introductions to the course I am going to instruct this week ISA. And by the way the course's title is "Linux for Beginners".
This is the first step in working in my lovely field, IT.
I am really very happy and proud that this step was in one of my faculty's labs and in the same time I am holding this course with the CAT-Hackers support. So thanks CAT and thanks a lot Hackers for your efforts .. :)

I have to leave writing now to keep up with my friend as I totally lost the concentration to write this post .. :D

Congratulations Basim

Today my brother, Basim, knew the result of his last term exams. By the way he is a second grade student in The Faculty of Medicine-Mansoura University (Mansoura-Manchester Program).

The result showed that Basim is the 3rd in rank .. :WOOT:
Thank God!

So I am very happy to know that, really you deserve it Basim .. :)
Hope you go on and raise your rank my lovely brother .. :)

Best wishes from your elder brother .. ;)

Monday, January 7, 2008

تلات ساعات ونص فى اسكندرية بعد نص الليل

مجموعة زى الفل من الشباب اللى زى الورد ما شاء الله عليه
بس عيبه إن لما دماغه بتلسع بتلسع أوى يعنى
فى فترة إمتحانات الترم .. ضغط عصبي وسهر ومذاكرة
حظهم السعيد إن جالهم فى النص أجازة أسبوع بين إمتحانين
فاتفقوا ياخدوا يوم ولا يومين راحة مش هيحصل حاجة يعنى ويرجعوا لموود المذاكرة تانى
أول يوم قضوه عادى
تانى يوم زهقوا من الأماكن اللى بيروحوها كل يوم
فكروا وفكروا واحتاروا يروحوا فين من كتر الأماكن اللى ممكن تقضى فيها وقت ممتع فى المنصورة
المهم استقروا فى الآخر إنهم ممكن يقضوا الليلة فى إنهم يشوفوا فيلم فى السينما وخلاص
قام واحد طور الفكرة شوية وقال طيب ما إحنا جنب المحلة .. ممكن نروح سينما هناك أحسن من المنصورة
قالوا خلاص وماله .. اقتراح حلو ..نكون هناك على حفلة الساعة 12
جهزوا نفسهم وأول ما ركبوا العربية واحد تانى طور الفكرة
قال بما إن الليلة لسه فى أولها .. طيب ما إحنا ممكن نقضى السهرة فى القاهرة
على أساس إنها ممكن تكون أحسن وممكن نستمتع ونغير فيها جو .. وبردو من باب إنها أقرب من المحلة :D
المهم الشباب قلبوا الفكرة فى دماغهم لمدة ثانية واحدة بس .. وبالإجماع وافقوا على اقتراحه
طالعين وبيقولوا ياهادى .. وعلى أول الطريق السريع
واحد طور الفكرة بطريقة تانية
قال طيب طالما إنتوا هتبعدوا بقى وهتسهروا .. ما إحنا ممكن نروح الإسكندرية أحسن
وطبعا الإسكندرية فى الشتا ساحرة بطريقة جنونية
دا غير إن القاهرة مش هنخلص من زحمتها لو حبينا نلف فيها كتير
بردوا التفكير ما أخدش أكتر من ثانية
وبالإجماع وافقوا على الإسكندرية
كانوا ساعتها على أول السريع الساعة 11 و 10 دقايق
وكانوا شايفين بوابة الإسكندرية الساعة 1 و 25 دقيقة بعد نص الليل
وممكن تخصموا من الوقت دا ربع ساعة اتعطلوها فى المحلة
من الآخر عايز أقول إن العداد كسر ال 175 أكتر من مرة على الطريق!
أصل اللى ما تعرفوهوش عن اللى كان سايق إنه عاقل شويتين!
أول ما الشباب شافوا البوابة قام واحد طالع باقتراح ألذ وقال ما تيجوا نكملها للساحل وخلاص :D
بس ساعتها حكموا عقلهم وقالوا ﻷ كفاية على كدة النهاردة اسكندرية ونخلى الساحل ولا إن شا الله حتى السلوم المرة اللى جاية :D

كانت نيتهم يلفوا شوية ولو فى مساحة يدخلوا سينما ولا حاجة مفيش مانع
الكل أول ما شم هوا اسكندرية فى الوقت دا من السنة وفى الساعة دى من الليل ما قدرش يمسك نفسه من إنه يبقى واقف على البحر فورا!
بكل بساطة وكأنهم متفقين على كدة من قبلها بيوم .. طلعوا على المعمورة
الكل ما قدرش يمسك نفسه قدام هوا البحر الساعة 2 الصبح
ويوم 5 يناير يابشر! :D
اللى ضحك ضحك واللى كان عايز يقعد مع نفسه يكلمها شوية قعد واللى كان محتاج إنه يكلم شخص قريب منه وهو فى الحالة النفسية الرائعة دى كلم واللى كان نفسه ياخد كام دريفت وكام خمساية بالعربية أخد اللى عايزه
محدش ساب حاجة فى نفسه ما عملهاش

خلصوا قعدتهم الحلوة وقالوا نتمشى شوية على الكورنيش بالعربية
شوية وكانوا على كوبرى ستانلى
كان الوقت ساعتها 3 ونص الصبح!
على كوبرى ستانلى
فى شتا يناير
فى اسكندرية
كل دا ومكانش ولا واحد فيهم من كام ساعة بس عارف هو هيقضى سهرته إزاى ولا هيعمل ايه فى الملل اللى هو حاسس بيه
إحساس تانى خالص طبعا
حبوا ياخدوا كام صورة للذكرى
وفعلا كانت صور حلوة أوى

طلعوا بعدها على محطة الرمل
ليه؟ .. ولا واحد فيهم كان عارف ليه .. بس أديهم بيتمشوا وبيقضوا وقت حلو مع بعض فى مكان ساحر زى اسكندرية

4 وربع كانوا على بوابة اسكندرية تانى بس ظهرهم ليها
وكل واحد بيحلف إن اليوم دا أو بمعنى أصح الكام ساعة اللى اتسرقوا من الزمن دول من أجمل ساعات عمرهم
جايز اللى عملوه فى الوقت دا مش الحاجة الكبيرة اللى أوى
بس يكفيهم إنهم كانوا مع بعض فى مكان حلو وقضوا وقت فى غاية الجمال
والأهم من دا كله إحساس إن إنت مجنون :D
إن إنت تكون فى بلدك لابيك ولا عليك وتطق فى دماغك فكرة إن فى الجو دا تسافر للإسكندرية وتاخد الطريق فى تقريبا ساعتين وربع
علشان تقضى هناك 3 ساعات ونص وترجع

كانوا مين بقى الشباب دول؟ :D
أولا كلهم فى كلية واحدة وقسم واحد وفرقة واحدة
كلية هندسة المنصورة قسم هندسة الحاسبات والنظم الفرقة التانية
بترتيب السن:
1- أنس سعد
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هو اللى كان جايب السديدهات اللى كانت معانا على الطريق بأمانة :D

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الشاب المحترم أنا :D
أنا اللى كنت هاريهم حكايات وحواديت ومونسهم طول الطريق .. بس وإحنا رايحين بس
وإحنا راجعين فضلت أكون أنا الأخ الكريم المستمع المشاهد :D
بدى تعليقاتى من بعيد بس :)

5- حازم زناتى
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أصغر واحد فى الشلة ولما دماغه بتصدى ويرخم بيبقى غير مطاق

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بجد كان يوم مش هينساه ولا واحد منهم
أبدا طول عمره

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Found the Bug!

Thank God!
Finally I am writing this post with a better feeling than my last one .. :)
The problem which was related to my relation with my parents has been solved.

Actually I am in a better mood,
But it's not exactly what I am seeking.
I am seeking to get back to my BEST mood!

I think that I found the REAL BUG which is causing this bad effect.
Always I used to hate the routine in my life! :S
I like to have many thing to do.
Love to be that busy person.
Busy in studying, working, going out, even busy in love!
So I am seeking continuously for all we call NEW!

Now I am busy and not busy at the same time!
Lately I haven't that new thing to do in my life.
For months I feel bored with many things.
Bored with my college, the way I spend my time and my life style generally.
However I still feeling that I am busy!

I think these reasons pulled me to make what I called mistakes!
And I think also that I am paying now the cost of letting myself feeling bored for that long time.